2014.01-2017.07 澳大利亚昆士兰大学,博士
2023.01-至今 北京工商大学,教授
1. 国家自然基金面上项目,直链淀粉-膳食多酚相互作用规律及其与热稳定性的关系,2022.01-2025.12,75.4万元;
2. 国家自然基金青年基金项目,基于淀粉热溶出特性的非淀粉组分对米饭黏度品质的影响机制研究,2020.01-2022.12,28.8万元;
(1) wen yangyang; li jie; gong weiwei; yu zhenjia; wang hailin; lu shiyi; li hongyan*; wang jing; sun baoguo, a smartphone-integrated ratiometric fluorescence sensor for the ultrasensitive and selective detection of 5-heneicosylresorcinol in whole wheat foods. journal of agricultural and food chemistry 2024, 72, 21276-21286.
(2) wen yangyang; li jie; zhao shichao; fan haoran; li hongyan*; wang jing; sun baoguo, a highly efficient molecularly imprinted fluorescence sensor for assessing whole wheat grains by the rapid and sensitive detection of alkylresorcinols. biosensors & bioelectronics 2023, 223, 115032
(3) liu weiwei; ma ruolan; lu shiyi; wen yangyang; li hongyan*; wang jing; sun baoguo. acid-resistant mesoporous metal-organic frameworks as carriers for targeted hypoglycemic peptide delivery: peptide encapsulation, release, and bioactivity. acs applied materials & interfaces 2022, 14, 55447-55457.
(4) liu, weiwei; li, hongyan*; wen, yangyang; liu, yingli; wang, jing; sun, baoguo, molecular mechanism for the α‑glucosidase inhibitory effect of wheat germ peptides. journal of agricultural and food chemistry 2021, 69, 15231-15239.
(5) fan, haoran; chen, zhijun; li, hongyan*; wen, yangyang; wang, jing; sun, baoguo, ordered structure of preformed v-amylose inclusion complex with 5-heptadecylresorcinol. food hydrocolloids 2022, 126, 107388.
(6) li, hongyan; yan, shu; yang, lu; xu, minghao; ji, jingyun; mao, huijia; song, yuanjie; wang, jing; sun, baoguo, starch gelatinization in the surface layer of rice grains is crucial in reducing the stickiness of parboiled rice. food chemistry 2020, 341.
(7) li, hongyan; yan, shu; mao, huijia; ji, jingyun; xu, minghao; zhang, shan; wang, jing; liu, yingli; sun, baoguo, insights into maize starch degradation by sulfuric acid from molecular structure changes. carbohydrate polymers 2020, 229, 115542.
(8) li, hongyan; yang, jingyuan; gao, muyao; wang, jing; sun, baoguo, washing rice before cooking has no large effect on the texture of cooked rice. food chemistry 2019, 271, 388-392.
(9) li, hongyan; yang, jingyuan; yan, shu; lei, ningyu; wang, jing; sun, baoguo, molecular causes for the increased stickiness of cooked non-glutinous rice by enzymatic hydrolysis of the grain surface protein. carbohydrate polymers 2019, 216, 197-203.
(10) li, hongyan; gilbert, robert g, starch molecular structure: the basis for an improved understanding of cooked rice texture. carbohydrate polymers 2018, 195, 9-17.
(4)李洪岩,王静,孙宝国,吉静筠,温洋洋,毛慧佳,徐明浩. 一种结肠靶向的阿魏酸控释载体及其制备方法, 2020.11.05,zl202011227395.0
(5)李洪岩,王静,范浩然,温洋洋,李婕,毛慧佳,陈志军. 检测烷基间苯二酚的分子印迹聚合物及其制备方法和应用,2020.12.22,zl202011525111.6
(1) 教育部第18届霍英东教育基金会青年科学奖
(2) 营养健康导向的全麦食品创制关键技术及产业化,高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术)科技进步奖二等奖(3) 米面加工副产物功能成分增值利用关键技术及产业化,中国食品科学技术学会科技进步一等奖
(4) 国肽安糠—米糠高值化利用赋能乡村新质生产力,挑战杯创新大赛北京市银奖
(5) 国肽安康—米糠高值化利用赋能乡村新质生产力,中国国际大学生创新大赛北京市二等奖